7 Herbs to Fight Joint and Knee Pain

2. Eucalyptus



Eucalyptus is used in many topical pain treatments because it is a natural pain reliever. Eucalyptus leaves contain tannins, which reduce swelling and relieve inflammation-related pain. This is an herb that you shouldn’t eat, since fresh leaves are poisonous when consumed by humans. However, eucalyptus oil is ideal for rubbing painful joints.

In fact, eucalyptus could help, even if you only smell it. The strong smell of menthol is unmistakable, and studies have shown that just smelling things can bring relief. If you have never used eucalyptus before, test a small amount on your forearm before using it again. Rash or hives indicate an allergic reaction.

If you want to try consuming eucalyptus, the only sure way is to get extra dry leaves and turn them into tea.