7 Worst Foods for Back Pain

Your back is part of your core and therefore plays a role in practically every movement. If your back hurts, you significantly interfere with your daily activity. Chronic pain can have all kinds of mental and physical effects and, in addition to agony, can lead to depression or anxiety. If there is constant pain, you can feel that whatever relieves the pain is worth it, regardless of the side effects. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to relieve your pain and improve your mental wellbeing that only have positive side effects. This includes avoiding certain food triggers that can cause inflammation. While inflammation is a natural part of your immune system, inflammation for chronic problems is very welcome and does more harm than good. Avoiding inflammatory foods will keep you in the driver’s seat of your own body and can help reduce your pain. The following are the 7 worst foods (and types of foods) for back pain. Some of them may be hard to avoid, especially # 3, but keep in mind that your reward will suffer less!


1. Added sugar

You have probably heard a lot about sugar in recent years. The real story of sugar began to emerge after the 1980s, when sugar producers funded a series of studies trying to blame chronic diseases for fat. It is white matter that is most directly related to poor health outcomes, including obesity, diabetes, cancer and, yes, chronic inflammation. Sugar causes inflammation because when it interacts with proteins and fats in the body, advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are produced in large quantities. It is known that age causes inflammation and accelerates aging, the effects of which are visible and noticeable. It’s best to rely on whole fruits if necessary to get a hint of sweetness, and cut as much sugar (as you can find in sodas, energy drinks, baked goods, processed foods, and sweets) as possible.


2. Aspartame

Unfortunately, artificial sweeteners are no better than concentrated natural sugars in terms of health. The problem is that these sugar substitutes are entirely made in a laboratory and your body may not even recognize them as food. If the immune system identifies a foreign intruder, the result is inflammation. This is exactly the opposite of what you want to achieve!

Aspartame is a notorious criminal when it comes to this problem. Some studies have shown that aspartame can cause arthritis pain and even arthritis in people who haven’t had it. If arthritis is the cause of your back pain or occurs in your family, pay special attention to the risks of artificial sweeteners.


3. Coffee

We are sorry to bring bad news if you are one of those people who cannot imagine tomorrow without coffee. Unfortunately, despite the overall health benefits, coffee has been found to increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Even with coffee, coffee seems to trigger the rheumatoid factor.

But if your ailment isn’t related to arthritis, there’s a glimmer of hope. Many chiropractors point out that caffeine in coffee is the main cause of back pain. This is because caffeine worsens conditions such as stress, chronic inflammation, anxiety, and sleep disorders, which can worsen back pain. Try switching to decaf to see if your symptoms improve.


4. Dairy Products

Dairy products contain a protein called casein, which is a very common allergen in adults. If your body has trouble digesting casein, the result is inflammation. It irritates the tissues around the joints, including the spine. Milk is generally the worst offender, but you should also avoid products made with milk, such as butter, cheese, baked goods, and cream-based sauces and soups.

Interestingly, raw milk is less problematic than pasteurized milk. However, if you have problems with chronic back pain, it is wise to experiment with removing all dairy products. Protein can be replaced by increased food intake such as lentils, nut butter, tofu, beans, quinoa and spinach. Once you’ve determined how your body reacts, you can gradually add safer milk options like raw milk and unsweetened yogurt.


5. Saturated Fats


We have pointed out that sugar and sugar additives are uniformly problematic, but a distinction must be made with fats. Saturated fat can have negative effects on the entire body, from the cardiovascular system to the joints. However, unsaturated fats are healthy and can reduce the inflammation that causes back pain. Avocados, nuts and fish are great sources of unsaturated fats.

However, it is best to avoid processed junk food products, especially fast foods that have an extremely high level of saturated fat. Red meat and whole dairy products are also big culprits. Too much saturated fat can add pounds to your body, put more strain on your back and cause painful inflammation.



6. Refined Carbs

Refined carbohydrates come from grains that have been heavily processed into white flour. Unfortunately, there is refined grain everywhere: white bread and bread products, most packaged food, standard baked goods and even soups and sauces. To avoid or even reduce refined carbohydrates, it is best to prepare most of your meals at home with whole grains.

The reason why it is important to avoid refined carbohydrates if you have chronic back pain is because these flours increase the level of cytokines in the blood, which then causes the inflammation to get mixed up. There is also no health value for white flour; All nutrients have been processed.


7. Corn oil/Omega-6s

Here’s an ingredient that isn’t too bad, but should be eaten in moderation. Corn oil contains many omega-6 fatty acids, which are compounds that our bodies really need. However, omega-6 fatty acids work in conjunction with omega-3 fatty acids, and a delicate balance must be struck for this process to work. We need a lot more omega-3 fatty acids than omega-6 fatty acids, but most of us have turned the equation upside down.

When this critical balance is reversed, an inflammatory process occurs. Reduce your omega-6 intake by avoiding oils like grape seeds, safflower, vegetables, peanuts, and soy. Also, remember the labels on salad dressings and sauces to make sure these oils are not included.



Back pain can seriously affect quality of life and is difficult to manage. Work closely with your doctor to relieve your pain and treat the underlying condition that is causing it. Ultimately, medication and even surgery may be required, but don’t forget that day-to-day lifestyle choices can make a big difference in your pain.

By avoiding these 7 inflammatory foods, you will naturally reduce pain and improve overall health. Even if you have to give up your morning coffee, it’s worth feeling much better!