Eat Too Many Nuts and Seeds and This Can Happen

Poor Nutrient Absorption

Not only can phytic acid strain your digestive system, it can also limit your body’s ability to absorb other nutrients. Since humans cannot digest it, phytic acid can freely bind to minerals like iron, magnesium and zinc and prevent us from using them. Studies suggest that without phytic acid, our body can absorb up to 20% more zinc and 60% more magnesium from our diet.

Fortunately, phytic acid does not extract these minerals from our bodies, but “steals” them from food during the digestive process. It is also known to interfere with the enzymes used to digest food. Examples include pepsin, which is used to break down protein in the stomach, and amylase, which converts starch into fuel. Phytic acid can also inhibit the use of the enzyme trypsin, which is required to digest proteins in the small intestine.

