7 Worst Foods for Back Pain

Your back is part of your core and therefore plays a role in practically every movement. If your back hurts, you significantly interfere with your daily activity. Chronic pain can have all kinds of mental and physical effects and, in addition to agony, can lead to depression or anxiety. If there is constant pain, you … Read more

Eat Beetroot daily and this can happen to your body

Beets are nutritious and tasty, versatile enough to be eaten alone or as a tasty addition to salads, juices or sauces. If you don’t mind the taste, beets have a different earthy quality. There are also ways to disguise the taste while still enjoying the benefits. And as we will explain, there are many reasons … Read more

Foods to Avoid with High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. The number of patients is staggering, especially in the United States, where around 75 million adults have been diagnosed with the disease. And although they are largely able to cope with changes in diet and lifestyle, almost half of them … Read more

7 Worst Foods With Prediabetes

Prediabetes is a condition in which your blood sugar level is chronically high, but not so high that it is classified as actual diabetes. But the disease still poses health risks, and the least of it is the much greater likelihood of developing adult type 2 diabetes.  In this case, you should check your blood … Read more

Worst Foods With Arthritis

Are you one of the 53 million people with arthritis? Arthritis is the collective term for more than 100 joint diseases that affect both adults and children. It can cause joint pain, swelling, and inflammation and affect your freedom of movement. It can also get worse as you get older and even start damaging your … Read more

Anti-Aging Foods That Will Make Your Skin Glow

Have you ever heard the phrase “beauty comes from within”? It means that what we eat is really important, not only how we feel physically, but also how we see ourselves. And while there is no shortage of expensive creams and potions that promote younger looking skin, the answer is sometimes as far away as … Read more

Food to Eat to Prevent Cancer

Cancer is a terrible disease. Basically, something causes the cells in your body to grow abnormally. There are known causes of cancer: viruses, smoking, chemicals (such as asbestos), sunburn, and alcohol consumption. Food contains cancer-fighting antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. If you eat them daily, you can protect yourself from cancer. If you are overweight, your … Read more

Eat Too Many Nuts and Seeds and This Can Happen

Today, a lot is said in the media about the health value of nuts and seeds. Food is believed to do everything possible to lose weight and protect yourself from cancer. It is now true that nuts and seeds have a high density of critical vitamins and minerals. And even though they’re high in fat, … Read more

If You Eat Black Pepper Every Day, It Happens To Your Body

  Salt and pepper – It is the main combination of spices that is found in almost everything. We tend to use it without really thinking about it, but pepper actually has many amazing health benefits. Pepper belongs to the Piperaceae family and can be processed in different ways to achieve different results. Its normal … Read more